Friday, June 25, 2010

Sisters on PaNana

We go on this "PaNana" trip every year with our grandparents, Nana and Papa. It was Audrey's first year going because she turned five. So I thought it would be kind of cool if they got their own little photo shoot. We went out on the deck and they suddenly started posing. And so that's how our little photo shoot began. They had lots of fun and just loved the pictures!


  1. Hey Ava! I don't know if you remember me, but we met when I visited Kim's house-I'm Megan Sandberg...your third cousin, I think. :D Kim shared your blog with me and I just wanted to say how great your photos are! You should pursue photography--you could definitely have a future with this.

    Megs ;)

  2. What beautiful pictures you take, Birdie! I love the way you look at the world. Keep taking pictures, the world needs another "poet".
